Sunday, August 16, 2009

Save the Jackalopes

© 2009
The National Jackalope Wildlife Reserve in Utah contacted me to create an illustration to be used to represent the fine work they are doing in preserving this rare species. Less than 600 Jackalopes live on the reserve and they roam over 400 acres. Just kidding.


  1. Your work is fantastic. I looked at the rest of your posts and really like it.

  2. Thanks, Freddy. Your blog is really interesting. I hear Houston is an amazing city full of culture and interesting people.

  3. Just bought this from Shirt.Woot - couldn't risk passing it up. Great stuff, reminds me of my Wolpertinger in WoW. lol. Looking forward to keeping up with your great work. :)

  4. This is an epic design which makes for a more epic shirt.

  5. im embarrassed to say you had me going for a mili-second there... haha jackalopes are amazing! :) love your work!
